Thursday, September 11, 2014

About 41% of Princeton Class of 2018 are from New York, New Jersey and California

Where is the Class of 2018 from?

Students from the Class of 2018 represent 46 states, along with the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico and Guam. 40.6 percent of students come from three states: New Jersey, California and New York, and no students come from Nebraska, Alaska, North Dakota and Wyoming, according to information provided by Dean of Admission Janet Rapelye .
There are also students from 50 foreign nations.

The number of students representing New Jersey, California and New York is slightly higher than that of the Class of 2017, which had over 38.7 percent of its students coming from these three states. The number of states represented in the Class of 2017 was also 46, with North Dakota, Wyoming, Montana and Iowa not being represented. The number of represented nations was also similar, with 54 foreign countries being represented by the Class of 2017.

The University almost perfectly hit its goal number of students by welcoming 1,312 students to the freshman class, Dean of Admission Janet Rapelye said, only four students above its goal of 1,308. This is an increase from the Class of 2017, which is composed of only 1,291 students.

“We’re back to steady state,” Rapelye said. “We had a big class with the Class of 2016. Last year the goal was 1,290; 1,300 or 1,308 has been our average for the past few years. So we’re back to where we wanted to be.”

Ayla Allen ’18, who attended the Daniel Pearl Magnet School in Los Angeles, may have come from one of the most represented states at the University, but she said that she and two other classmates were some of the first from her high school ever to apply to an Ivy League school.
“I felt pretty confident because I took almost the maximum number of [Advanced Placement] courses that my school offered,” Allen said of her application process. “I tried to look for outside ways to improve my application and education in high school.”

Sixty-five percent of the Class of 2018 is enrolled as A.B. students, 24 percent as B.S.E. and 11 percent remain undecided according to Rapelye.

Of the 219 intended B.S.E. students, 42 percent are women, remaining close to last year’s 43 percent; in contrast, the national statistic for the percentage of female engineers remains around 20 percent, Rapelye said.

International students represent about 11 percent of the incoming class. This number has remained steady for the past several years, with 12.5 percent international students populating the Class of 2017. These recent statistics reflect a huge lead over the number of international students attending the University only a decade ago, Rapelye said, noting that there were only 46 international students in 2001.

Hassan Ejaz Chaudhry ’18 from Punjab, Pakistan, was one of two people admitted from his country, he said. Chaudhry initially did not plan on applying to American schools and said that he had never been in the Western hemisphere before coming to the University.

“I’m just worried about adjusting to studies here because I know that the education systems are quite different,” Chaudhry said about the upcoming year. “So I just want to adjust to the U.S. education system and make sure that I excel at it.”

Fifty-nine percent of students come from public schools, 28 percent from independent schools, 12 percent from religiously affiliated schools and the rest from either military school or home school programs, Rapelye said.

Thirty-five students from the Bridge Year program initially admitted to the Class of 2017 will be returning, and 35 students from the Class of 2018 will defer in order to take part in the same program. Eighty-two other students chose to defer until next year, an increase from the 69 deferrals last year, according to Rapelye.

“We’re really pleased,” Rapelye said. “They’re a terrific group of students, and we’re really glad they’re here.”

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