Friday, March 28, 2014

Stanford Accepted 2138 Students for Class of 2018

Stanford admitted 2,138 students to the Class of 2018 in this year’s admissions cycle, producing – at 5.07 percent – the lowest admit rate in University history.
The University received a total of 42,167  applications this year, a record total and a 8.6 percent increase over last year’s figure of 38,828. Stanford accepted 748 students in December through the Office of Undergraduate Admission’s restrictive early action program and extended offers to 1,390 more applicants on March 28. A further 958 students have been placed on the waitlist.;postID=1390758804684853220


  1. Check out the latest data from Stanford's senate minutes on cross-admits (page 20) at the following website:

  2. Thank you!

    There are a lot to digest. Those cross-admits were mainly the ones from the regular decisions. The numbers of cross-admits are more interesting to me since every of HYPSM has SCEA now, and the total cross-admits should be reduced significantly.
