Thursday, February 13, 2014

Columbia received 32,952 applications for Class of 2018

Bwog just received this statement from Jessica Marinaccio, CU’s Dean of Undergraduate Admissions and Financial Aid (emphasis is Bwog’s):

We have received 32,952 applications to Columbia College and The Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science for the Class of 2018, which is the third largest applicant pool in Columbia’s history. We are grateful for the opportunity to get to know these students through their applications and look forward to identifying those who will comprise our next incoming class.

32,952 applications may seem like a lot, but it’s actually 1.5 percent fewer than last year’s application count of 33,460. That’s pretty weird when you consider that application volume has been rising for the last few years. But it’s not unprecedented for Columbia—for example, application count for the Class of 2016 was a 9-percent drop over the previous year. And it seems to be a mixed bag for the rest of the Ivy League so far: Harvard and Dartmouth are down, while Yale hit a record high.

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