Saturday, September 21, 2013

Stanford's Class of 2017

The freshmen – 1,679 students – are the first students who will be required to take "WAYS" courses to earn bachelor's degrees. They will have hundreds of courses to choose from, across a broad range of subjects and disciplines.

The Class of 2017 includes students from 49 states – none from Arkansas this year – and 66 countries.
The largest group within the Class of 2017 – 35.6 percent – are Californians.
The next top five regions represented in the class are those coming from the South (17 percent), U.S. citizens and international students living outside the United States (12.5 percent), the Mid-Atlantic (9.4 percent), the Midwest (8 percent) and the Far  West (Oregon, Washington, Alaska and Hawaii (6.7 percent). The other regions represented are the Mountain States (5.5 percent), New England (3.6 percent) and the Great Plains (1.5 percent).
Among the incoming freshmen, 87.4 percent are U.S. citizens and 2.8 percent are permanent residents of the United States. International students with foreign visas comprise 9.8 percent of the incoming class.
The Class of 2017 is composed of 53.8 percent men and 46.2 percent women.
Among the incoming freshmen, 14.8 percent are first-generation students – the first in their families to attend a four-year college.
Whites make up 31.7 percent of incoming freshmen, followed by students who identify as Asian American (21 percent), Hispanic/Latino/a (14.8 percent), African American (10 percent), international (9.8 percent), unknown – those who declined to state their race or ethnicity (7.9 percent), and Native American and Hawaiian (4.8 percent).
They're smart, of course.
Eight-nine percent of the incoming frosh achieved a 3.8 or higher grade-point average in high school, and 95.9 percent of them ranked in the top 10 percent of their high school graduating class.
Asked what fields they're primarily interested in at present, 28 percent said the natural sciences, followed by engineering (24.8 percent), humanities (15.3 percent), pre-professional – pre-law and pre-medicine (13.9 percent), social sciences (10.4 percent), undecided (4.9 percent) and Earth sciences (2.7 percent).

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