Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Duke Accepted 2,897 Students for the Class of 2017

This afternoon, Duke will offer admission to 2,897 regular decision applicants to the Class of 2017.

Less than 9.9 percent of the 29,200 total regular decision applicants were admitted. According to a Duke news release, the University received several hundred more applications than they ever had before, making this the most competitive year for admissions to date. Including early decision applicants, Duke received 31,785 applications.

"This is the first time our regular decision admit rate ended up below 10 percent, and it made for some difficult choices," Dean of Undergraduate Admissions Christoph Guttentag said in the release. "The accomplishments and personal qualities of the students applying for admission are just exceptional, and as pleased as I am for what it means for Duke, I’m sorry that we don’t have room for more of these wonderful young women and men."

He added that because more students were admitted under the binding early decision program—approximately 44 percent of the Class of 2017—there were fewer spaces available for regular decision applicants.

In December, Duke admitted 753 early decision applicants—105 more acceptances than the year before even though the University received 70 fewer applicants. Early decision applicants were accepted at a rate of 29.6 percent, with 607 applicants deferred to the regular decision pool. Of the deferred applicants, 32 were accepted.

Students are expected to reply to their offers by May 1.

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