Saturday, July 9, 2011

Princeton Accepted 5 Students from the Waitlist. Its Yield for Class 2015 is 57.2%.

The yield of students accepting Princeton’s OFFER OF ADMISSION increased slightly from last year to 57.2 percent for the Class of 2015, Dean of Admission Janet Rapelye said. As of mid-June, the University had admitted five students from the waitlist — compared to 159 a year ago — and all five had accepted. The number of legacies planning to enroll dropped slightly, from 174 a year ago to 166. Men make up 50.7 percent of the class and women 49.3 percent. The number of B.S.E. candidates (302) and women in that group (121) are both records, according to the engineering school.

1 comment:

  1. The latest numbers indicate 2,300 admits and 1,300 matriculants, for a yield rate of 56.5%,

    "Final" numbers due in October.
