Friday, May 13, 2011

MIT Admits 26 Students from the Waitlist for Class of 2015

For the sixth consecutive year, we will admit students from our waitlist. This year, a high number of admitted students have chosen to enroll, but we do plan to admit 26 students from the waitlist.
Today, around 3pm Eastern Daylight Time, we will notify the admitted students via email, informing them that they have been admitted from the waitlist. If you have applied for aid, the Financial Aid Office will follow up shortly thereafter with award packages. Admitted students can then choose to accept our offer (it is an understood part of admissions that some people will shuffle around during the waitlist period; you will lose your deposit at the other school, but it is a standard practice to consider accepting a waitlist offer) or decline it.

For all other students on the waitlist, we will notify them today via email (at approximately 3pm Eastern Daylight Time) that we will not be able to offer them admission. At that point, we will consider our waitlist "closed" and do not expect to admit any additional students this year for the Class of 2015.

Thanks to all of you on the waitlist for your time and patience during this process. Congrats to those that were admitted - we hope to see you in the fall. For those whom we were unable to admit this year, we wish you all the very best at the college you've chosen.

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